LH Property Management are specialists in hands-on block management for both new build apartment blocks and buildings which have been converted into blocks of residential properties.
Our knowledge and expertise of the East Kent property market is unrivaled and we are pleased to be able to offer landlords a service that they can trust.
Each of our management instructions have very different requirements. That’s why we sit down with new clients and carefully go through their needs to create a bespoke, transparent management solution that’s affordable and will enhance the fabric of their property now and in the future. Whether it’s issues of legal compliance, accounting or repairs, the team at LH Property Management can provide you with a high quality and trustworthy service.
To help manage your property, we offer a combination of industry-recognised software, our own bespoke, online client support plus a reliable, on-site presence when you need us the most.

Some of the blocks we manage
We manage a wide range of properties on behalf of our clients, from luxury new build properties and mansion blocks to properties in converted buildings. Our portfolio of managed property is from across Kent, from Folkestone to Hythe and Canterbury to Sandgate.
Wherever your property is based, trust LH Property Management to offer you the highest level of customer care for both your property and your tenants.
For more information contact us today by calling 01303 888022 or email office@lhproperty.co.uk and one of our team will contact you to discuss your enquiry in more detail.
Some of the property we manage is below in our gallery.